Monday, September 24, 2007

dear tyler (and all my other readers)

dear tyler (and all my other readers)
I do not mind if any of you copy my ideas because pretty soon I will patent all of them, but whatever you do do not copy my national your name here day idea. Please. (see bottom of my blog)


Tina said...


I'm a reader of your blog too!! You really should post more often!! Miss ya!!

Auntie Tina

Anonymous said...

so, is national cody day also known as your birthday? Cody you are so funny. I need to remember to come look at this next time I am in a terrible mood. Not that I have time but... btw, how is the bear story going? Last I heard, you were going to send me the latest draft, but that was like, months ago. what the heck? Anyway, I 'll talk to you later kiddo.